Reception/KS1 Classes All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal at lunchtime. Although children may bring packed lunches, we strongly recommend the hot school meal option as evidence shows that cooked meals are more nutritious for children than packed lunches.
The reasons for this are:
It ensures that all Key Stage 1 children are offered a healthy meal in the middle of the day
Having a school meal improves concentration and performance in the classroom
Having a school meal encourages positive eating habits and develops social skills
It means less cost to families – a saving of over £400 a year
KS2 Classes
The cost of a school dinner for children in Years 3-6 is £2.45 per day – £12.25 per week.
Our lunches are cooked fresh daily on site by Dolce.
All lunches must be booked/chosen and paid for via Schoolgrid by 8.30am as the numbers are then sent through to the kitchen to ensure low food wastage. Lunches can be booked days/weeks/months in advance. The booking procedures for lunches also includes Rec/KS1 parents who are entitled to UIFSM or KS2 children entitled to FSM; you will not be charged.
If you have not booked your child's lunch on Schoolgrid, you will be called by the school office and instructed to bring in a packed lunch to school.
Please see below for the lunch menus, which run on a 3 week cycle.
If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals please see below.