For the academic year 2024/25 there are 2 classes in Yr3 and 2 in Yr4 within this lower key stage.
The teaching team comprises:
Mrs Baumber Class Teacher 3B
Mrs Spence Class Teacher 3S
Mrs Ashley Class Teacher 4A School Maths Lead
Miss Drury Class Teacher 4D
Mrs Cotterell HLTA
Mrs Fulford Teaching Assistant
Mrs Walther Teaching Assistant
Other adults who may work with your child
Sometimes, children are supported by adults other than those who are based solely within the Y3/4 Team. This might include Mrs Sampson(Family Support Adviser)
The Lower KS2 Curriculum
You will regularly receive a Curriculum Newsletter that informs you of the learning that will be taking place over the next half term, the LCC focus, PE arrangements and trips etc. It will also remind you of arrangements for Home Learning. MFL lessons are taught every week by Mrs Reid. Year 4 children will have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit.
What to do if you have any queries or concerns
In the first instance, please see your child’s class teacher-you can catch them at the end of each school day when they come onto the playground with their class; if this is not possible then pop into, or ring, the School Office and leave a message- the class teacher will contact you as soon as they are able.