Breakfast Club/ Stay & Play

Wraparound Care - Breakfast Club / Stay & Play

Bookings for Breakfast Club and Stay & Play must be made via, selecting 'Make a  Booking' and changing the drop down menu to Breakfast or After School as appropriate.  Choose the week commencing date, click on make or view bookings and click on the dates you require.  Click on confirm bookings and please be aware that once booked we are unable to swap or refund bookings.  Make your payment.

We accept childcare vouchers and the Government Tax Free Childcare; please speak to the school office for clarification. You will need to do this in advance of booking and allow us 3 days to credit your account.  If you book without crediting your vouchers you will be asked to make a payment at the end of your booking transaction or if your booking exceeds your voucher amount you will be asked to pay the difference at the end of your transaction.

Please note if your child is ill or you change your mind, it is the parents' responsibility to amend the booking before the cut off time.